Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Winter Holiday!!!

Thank you!!!

Thank you all so much for a wonderful first semester. 
Thank you for sharing your children with me. Thank you
for the thoughtful class gift!  Thank you for the individual
 cards, cookies and gifts that let me know that you appreciate
 all the things I do.  Thank you for taking care of our adopted
staff member.  Thank you for giving the kids a fun party.
 Thank you for all the things you guys sent in to make sure
 the party was a success. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you
 a million times for all that you guys do.  I am so grateful for all of you.

I will miss your children so much over the break, but I know they 
will have wonderful stories to share when they come back. I hope
 you all have a fantastic winter break.  See you in the new year. 


Winter party