Friday, August 17, 2018

August 20-24

We had a fantastic first two days, and I'm looking forward to a great year with your children!

This week our focus will be on picking good books, why reading is important, and procedures during reading workshop. We will be laying the groundwork for our reading all year this week.

We will be getting our first writing samples and talking about why people write.  We will also be talking about writing a small moment and picking a writing topic that is meaningful. We will work on building writers who enjoy their writing time.

 We will be starting spelling practice on the 27th. Your child will bring home a spelling list then and you can ask any questions at Parent Orientation.

On August 30th we will have our Parent Orientation.  We will go over all the expectations for the year at that time. I look forward to seeing you all there.

Next week your child will be bringing home their agenda to show you each night.  It will have what we focused on, upcoming events and homework in it.  This will be filled in each day by your child. Please check it and initial.