Friday, November 30, 2018

December 3rd -7th

Requests- Classroom Needs-
We have had a lot of sickness going around in our classroom.  I have been encouraging our class to wash hands, not share food or drinks, use hand sanitizer and tell me if they don't feel well.  Hopefully we can all stay healthy from now until the holidays!  Because of all the cleaning I have been doing in our room with Clorox wipes at the end of the day after kids leave and all the hand sanitizer use we are doing we are running low on both.  We could really use some more Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer.  The Clorox Wipes will never be used by students and the hand sanitizer that is best is the alcohol free if you can find it.
Also, if your child is out sick please email me to let me know that they are out and what they have so I can clean up their area if needed.  If they are out with an ear infection I don't worry as much with wiping their area down as when kids are out with flu, strep or stomach bugs.  I'm working hard to keep everyone healthy and appreciate your help.  By the way, I will not tell others that your child is sick or what they have.  That is private protected information.
If your child is sick please do not return them to school until 24 hours of being free of fever, diarrhea and vomiting. That helps the rest of us stay healthy and keeps us from just passing sickness around and reinfecting each other.
Thank you guys so much for all the help and support with this.  I know the trials of a sick kid and Stella and I got hit this week, too. Hopefully working together we can minimize our illness.


Thursday, December 13- International Festival at 6:00pm Tuesday, 

December 18- 6:30pm  Winter Choir Performance

Wednesday, December 19th- 1:30 Winter Class Party Thursday,

 December 20th- January 7th Winter Break  Tuesday, 

January 8th- First Day Back

We will continue with our reading partner books and responding in our reading response journals.  We will work on some Time For Kid's magazine and quizzes to support reading comprehension and responding to questions.
We will also be working on reading strategies of finding main idea, point of view in a story and asking questions as we read.  We will also be working on doing the middle of year reading assessment.

We will finish writing our biographies and the edit revise them.  Then we plan to type them up and have them ready to share.  Hopefully we will get there by the end of the week.

Social Studies-
We will be moving into important battles of the Texas Revolution.  This is the exciting part of Texas history where we talk about the Alamo, Goliad and Runaway Scrape.

We will have a test at the end of this week.  Please remind you child to study.

Dream Box is here!!!  Yay!  Your child worked today on doing the profile test to get them on a leveled area for them.  They should be able to use at home by next week.
Remind them to read about 20-30 minutes a night and study spelling.

Ungraded Writing Prompt Homework- I've seen some great practice coming in!

You get to trade places with someone for one day. Who would you choose? This person should be someone you know a lot about. Write about who you would trade places with. Give reasons with supporting details. Describe what you think your day would be like. Explain what you would do and how you think you would feel.

Some people prefer dogs while some like cats as their pets. Other people prefer birds, snakes, fish, sheep, goats, rabbits, pigs, horses or other animals as their pets. What do you think would be the perfect pet to have? Describe in your writing your ideas about a perfect pet. You may draw a picture to accompany your writing if you would like!