Friday, November 16, 2018

November 26-30th

School Holiday

November 19-23 is a holiday for the Thanksgiving holidays.
 We will not have school next week, and I hope you all enjoy
the time with your family.

We met with our buddies today to share a Holiday story with them.
I read them the book "T'was the Night Before Thanksgiving."
My daughter and I got to meet the author last month and he shared
the story of how this book was published, so I shared that with the
Then we made turkey cards for our buddies! It is so fun to see our big
kids be so caring to their little buddies.

Image result for twas the night before thanksgiving


  • International Night is coming December 13. We are looking for more volunteers to represent countries. So far we have Germany, Greece, Peru, Colombia, China, Philippines, Italy, India, Hungary, Japan and Korea. You can join a team or lead another country. We would love to have more countries represented. Contact for details!
  • Yearbooks - You may purchase your child's 2018-2019 school yearbook online by clicking here. The school code is 13714419. Current pricing is $20 (softcover) $25 (hardcover). The price will increase on December 1st.
  • Holiday Pictures - Students may take holiday pictures on November 27th. These are optional for families. Please see the form in this week's Tuesday folder.
  • Science Fair - The Caraway Science Fair will be held on January 23, 2019. The registration timeline is November 5, 2018 – December 14, 2018. Register by clicking here.

Academics when we return

We will be exploring the differences between biographies, 
fiction and narrative nonfiction this week. We will be looking
at text examples and comparing the features of each. 

We are going to be writing our own biographies about a person in Texas history that we have been researching.  This week we will be writing our hooks, thesis statements and our body paragraphs. 

We will be getting new lists this week and testing in two weeks. 

Social Studies
We will be learning about why Texas broke away from Mexico to become its own country.  We will discuss the reasons for the revolution and go through the timeline of the revolution. 

Continue to remind your students to read nightly, work on spelling and math.  

Optional ungraded writing homework:
Write about what you did over the holiday break.
Write about the reasons we should have a holiday break. 
Write to convince the principal of why we should or 
should not have homework over a school break.